Saturday, November 5, 2011


A newserver is a server that allows users to read news and messages. Newsgroup messages are redirected to new linked servers, news servers on which the message is distributed worldwide.

Most ISPs offer their subscribers access to their own news servers. There are also a number of public newserver, both free and fee.

Most news servers using NNTP.

Newservers FAQ
Posting - It is checked whether it has been increased through the appropriate connection to post (upload).
Transfer speed - The program checks the maximum download speed
Available newsgroups - Here comes the number of available newsgroups are not all servers support all existing newsgroups.
Number of articles - The number of files on the server.
Most frequented newsgroup - Based on the amount of visits to a particular newsgroup is determined what the most popular newsgroup.
Retention Time - Time how long files remain on the server. The longer the retention time longer the downloads remain available.
Response time - Literally translated the response time, the time that the server connects to your PC or laptop
Possible connections - how many connections you can be up and must have the appropriate news server.


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