Monday, December 5, 2011


For some it is obvious, but of course there are people who do not know what to do when they have downloaded a file that is encased. Files you download are generally packed. This to the file size to download. The file you've downloaded is usually *. zip / *. ace / *. rar / *. tar / *. 001 / *. part. These files you need to unpack. This may be the program WinRAR.

Packed files are a lot on the internet to transfer files. But in many such cases, the files are too large or it is impractical for a large file to send. Then divide people from one very large file in several smaller parts. These parts can then separately on the web. The person who wants the files may download and store each in his or her computer. If you complete all the parts you can combine them back to that one original file. Pooling and extracting the files is done with the program Winrar.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spot Planet

Prior to Spot Planet Online was developed FTD. FTD is an online program created by Arjen Lodder. It was initially intended as a "service" for his family, friends and themselves only after the private URL was known in the outside world became quite popular so he decided to keep it public.

Online FTD was so great because Arjen was in contact with the gentlemen of which the service took over so they could be improved. Arjen was great for the hobby and there were good servers are needed for the website is quick to load. has a large number of fast servers that FTD could be placed online so that the service easily accessible. This is the "change" made ​​to idpv Online FTD.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Download with Newsgroups

Downloading with Newsgroups

Newsgroups and Use net are the same. Newsgroups of Usenet is the Dutch name. Newsgroups are created in the 80s and were originally designed to share news. Is a kind of forum that could provide one another with messages of new information. To take advantage of newsgroups, you must also be connected to a new server. On this new server the files you download. All new servers are interconnected and synchronized with each other.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Alt.binz has some advantages and disadvantages


• Optimum download speed
• Large download files such as DVD and Blu-ray
• Small files such as music albums too easy to find
• Helpful utilities, both on the web as a through Windows, and as OnlineFTD Spotnet
• For a wide range of movies with subtitles and the desired quality
• The possibility of automatically. Rar and extract. Par repair if necessary


• For a beginner, downloading via newsgroups experienced as more difficult than via torrents
• If your provider does not own news server, you will need a so-called payserver search. There are almost always charges
• The number of programs available to download NZB files it is so big and diverse that some of the trees to see the forest for

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


uSpotted is the unanimous successor of FTD has a clear interafce and works very well organized. FTD, a program that they exchanged tips of files that could be found on the newsgroups is by stopped after March 1, 2011 following a lawsuit.

It, like most "cracked" versions of the former FTD NZB NZB button that simply loads directly into your download client. and NZB file contains information that your newsreader, your download may be used for downloading. All in all, this is a program on the PC of anyone who should stand download newsgroups.

Monday, November 7, 2011


SpotGRID is a 4 in 1 program download, search, download, repair and extract! It works on newsgroups and has been known as the "Spotnet" killer. Spot shot gives a good overview of different categories, makes downloading via an embedded system or you can download your own nzb tool such as alt.binz.

The idea of ​​starting spot grit mainly arise from frustration Spotnet. Not only is Spotnet slow, cumbersome and confusing, but also very sensitive to all kinds of spam (and sensuur).

Here is a good spot for the shot to end, no spam, no sensuur, a program focused on speed and overview.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


A newsgroup is a communication channel on Usenet. It is similar to the discussion found on many sites, but focus groups are not directly part of the World Wide Web where you can go surfing with a browser. Newsgroups are discussion groups are also mentioned.

There are tens of thousands of newsgroups that deal with the wide variety of topics. It gives everyone the opportunity to share information and discuss very seriously, but also absolute nonsense to proclaim.

The newsgroups are also a place where people volunteer to help with a problem, often related to computers and the Internet, but it can also be about a disease of a goldfish, problems with the law or otherwise.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Newsleecher has some advantages and disadvantages

• Optimum download speed
• The future of downloading is in newsgroups
• This displays the latest downloads first
• Especially meant for large files such as DVD and HD movies

• You must support provider else do you need a payserver.
• No real search function
• Lasts a while before you have completely

Newsbin Pro

NewsBin Pro has some advantages and disadvantages

• Optimum download speed
• The future of downloading is in newsgroups
• This displays the latest downloads first
• Especially meant for large files such as DVD and HD movies

• You must support provider else do you need a payserver.
• No real search function
• Lasts a while before you have completely


With Spotnet so you can find everything that is posted in the newsgroups. Spotnet is a great alternative to FTD. FTD, a program that they exchanged tips of files that could be found on the newsgroups is by stopped after March 1, 2011 following a lawsuit.

In addition to viewing / spotting files found in the newsgroups, it is also possible to use Spotnet download. Within Spotnet is because a download program that allows for "spots" to download. Spotnet repairs the files if necessary and takes them out too. Programs such as WinRAR or Quickpar So past. Spotnet has it all.

For downloading from newsgroups, your ISP to support this or do you use a paid news server. in

binary newsgroups

Newsgroups are increasingly used to distribute binary files, even if it is not the original intention of newsgroups.

This popularity is caused by files on Usenet by an unlimited number of users can be downloaded with the download speed is only dependent on the bandwidth of the Internet and Usenet server downloader. This is in contrast to Peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange networks where the download speed is limited by the upload of users sharing the file. Another advantage is that to download newsgroups that do not require being uploaded, which in most P2P networks is the case.

Because newsgroups are primarily targeted for the distribution of text messages, there are some limitations to the distribution of binary files from newsgroups:

To newsgroups only text files are placed, not binary files. Binary files must be requested by the uploader first be converted to text (the "encoding"). The text files are then uploaded to the newsgroup. The text files downloaded, the downloader finally convert to the original binary format (the "decoding"). Encoding and decoding in different ways. Previously, the techniques usually used uuencode and Base64. The disadvantage of these techniques was that the size of the text file up to 30% greater than the original binary file. This overhead creates a longer download time. Today, the technique usually used yEnc, which yields a minimum overhead.
The maximum file size of a text file on a newsgroup is limited. If the text file is too large, then the file is not accepted by the server. A binary file is often much greater than the maximum file size. This limitation can be circumvented by the binary file into many smaller ones (text) files.

Binary newsreaders specialize in downloading binaries. This binary newsreaders automate the decoding of the downloaded text files and combining the decrypted files to the original binary file.

Additional comments

When you start using up the news, pay attention to netiquette and the prevailing culture. The newsgroups are known for some old veterans (regulars) unpleasant respond to new users who fail to keep these matters. It is usually better to make a time to follow the newsgroup without posting (suck) to get an impression of the culture. It is also useful for specific questions to first investigate (eg via Google groups) or the question may have already been asked, repeatedly asking the same questions are not generally appreciated. The newsgroup nl.fiets example almost weekly by a newcomer asked what the optimum frame size, or what the best way to a bicycle chain clean and lubricated. Despite the general atmosphere in this newsgroup that still arouses irritation.

required software for newsgroups

To be able to read newsgroups, you basically a news reader (also called news reader) is required. An overview is on the newsreader page. You can also use an email client like Mozilla Thunderbird or Outlook Express.

You can read newsgroups from the news servers of your ISP or some "public" servers, such as and the Freie Universität Berlin. If you only have an Internet browser, you can also use Google Groups.


A newserver is a server that allows users to read news and messages. Newsgroup messages are redirected to new linked servers, news servers on which the message is distributed worldwide.

Most ISPs offer their subscribers access to their own news servers. There are also a number of public newserver, both free and fee.

Most news servers using NNTP.

Newservers FAQ
Posting - It is checked whether it has been increased through the appropriate connection to post (upload).
Transfer speed - The program checks the maximum download speed
Available newsgroups - Here comes the number of available newsgroups are not all servers support all existing newsgroups.
Number of articles - The number of files on the server.
Most frequented newsgroup - Based on the amount of visits to a particular newsgroup is determined what the most popular newsgroup.
Retention Time - Time how long files remain on the server. The longer the retention time longer the downloads remain available.
Response time - Literally translated the response time, the time that the server connects to your PC or laptop
Possible connections - how many connections you can be up and must have the appropriate news server.