Saturday, November 5, 2011

binary newsgroups

Newsgroups are increasingly used to distribute binary files, even if it is not the original intention of newsgroups.

This popularity is caused by files on Usenet by an unlimited number of users can be downloaded with the download speed is only dependent on the bandwidth of the Internet and Usenet server downloader. This is in contrast to Peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange networks where the download speed is limited by the upload of users sharing the file. Another advantage is that to download newsgroups that do not require being uploaded, which in most P2P networks is the case.

Because newsgroups are primarily targeted for the distribution of text messages, there are some limitations to the distribution of binary files from newsgroups:

To newsgroups only text files are placed, not binary files. Binary files must be requested by the uploader first be converted to text (the "encoding"). The text files are then uploaded to the newsgroup. The text files downloaded, the downloader finally convert to the original binary format (the "decoding"). Encoding and decoding in different ways. Previously, the techniques usually used uuencode and Base64. The disadvantage of these techniques was that the size of the text file up to 30% greater than the original binary file. This overhead creates a longer download time. Today, the technique usually used yEnc, which yields a minimum overhead.
The maximum file size of a text file on a newsgroup is limited. If the text file is too large, then the file is not accepted by the server. A binary file is often much greater than the maximum file size. This limitation can be circumvented by the binary file into many smaller ones (text) files.

Binary newsreaders specialize in downloading binaries. This binary newsreaders automate the decoding of the downloaded text files and combining the decrypted files to the original binary file.

Additional comments

When you start using up the news, pay attention to netiquette and the prevailing culture. The newsgroups are known for some old veterans (regulars) unpleasant respond to new users who fail to keep these matters. It is usually better to make a time to follow the newsgroup without posting (suck) to get an impression of the culture. It is also useful for specific questions to first investigate (eg via Google groups) or the question may have already been asked, repeatedly asking the same questions are not generally appreciated. The newsgroup nl.fiets example almost weekly by a newcomer asked what the optimum frame size, or what the best way to a bicycle chain clean and lubricated. Despite the general atmosphere in this newsgroup that still arouses irritation.


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