For some it is obvious, but of course there are people who do not know what to do when they have downloaded a file that is encased. Files you download are generally packed. This to the file size to download. The file you've downloaded is usually *. zip / *. ace / *. rar / *. tar / *. 001 / *. part. These files you need to unpack. This may be the program WinRAR.
Packed files are a lot on the internet to transfer files. But in many such cases, the files are too large or it is impractical for a large file to send. Then divide people from one very large file in several smaller parts. These parts can then separately on the web. The person who wants the files may download and store each in his or her computer. If you complete all the parts you can combine them back to that one original file. Pooling and extracting the files is done with the program Winrar.